Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
A Class Divided
news from readforjoy
A Class Divided"是美國公共電視台(Public Broadcasting Service,PBS)的紀錄片,是觀眾點播最多的節目之一,並曾於1985年榮獲艾美獎(Emmy Awards)的最佳資訊文化歷史類節目獎(Outstanding Informational, Cultural, or Historical Programming)。
所有的對白內容可以在"A Class Divided"的「對白TRANSCRIPT 網頁看到」。
Thursday, November 20, 2008
news from 希望種子
迷迭香擁有高貴的氣息有[香草貴族]之稱也被認為是聖瑪麗亞的最愛,燃燒迷迭香可藉由香味淨化空氣,莎士比亞名著中記載[迷迭香,是為了幫助回想]。香味特徵;香氣濃郁有樟腦的味道 健康;增加記憶,殺菌驅蟲,茶飲;可搭配月桂或玫瑰等香草植物泡茶飲用 。
打開瓶蓋和罐底排水孔,緩慢將水均勻澆在罐內介質上直到多餘水分由罐底排水孔流出,日後約1-2日澆水一次,種子發芽適溫15-25C大約7-15天發芽,發芽前日照約50%,發芽後需充分的日照並放置於室外通風處,成長期間如日照 不足或通風不良葉色呈現淺淡綠色或徒長,容易造成植株死亡),等種苗高約3-5公分時輕輕敲打罐子將罐內材質倒出把植株分開,保留一株幼苗在罐內栽植其餘可移植到其他盆栽內栽種,等植株茂盛後就隨時可採收其葉片,整株可利用但最好避免剪到木質化部分會影響到新芽的生長,越摘蕊心成長越快 。
How cat has earned Japanese city millions
news from Sydney Morning Herald
As the economic might of Japan faces up to the global banking crisis, a single cat has boosted the finances of a small Japanese city by millions of dollars, according to a study.
Tortoiseshell Tama is the "stationmaster" of the unmanned Kishi train station where she was born and raised on the provincial Kishigawa Line.
But it is not her labours on the platform which have seen the cash rolling in.
As the economic might of Japan faces up to the global banking crisis, a single cat has boosted the finances of a small Japanese city by millions of dollars, according to a study.
Tortoiseshell Tama is the "stationmaster" of the unmanned Kishi train station where she was born and raised on the provincial Kishigawa Line.
But it is not her labours on the platform which have seen the cash rolling in.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Girls on flickr
Girls on flickr
flickr babes
也是flickr應用之一,其中人像攝影構圖都非常不錯 比無名的圖片有深度多了
flickr babes
也是flickr應用之一,其中人像攝影構圖都非常不錯 比無名的圖片有深度多了
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