Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Convert Text to Speech without Software

iSpeech has revolutionized text to speech with our free service. Now anyone can listen to any text content with minimal effort, no software installation and no technical expertise.

GIVE US TEXT TO CONVERTSimply cut and paste the text you wish to convert to speech into our text box and click convert text. Or, upload any supported document, website, blog, etc. and click convert file or the listen button. Supported file types and websites include: Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Adobe Acrobat, Rich Text File, Blogs, RSS news feeds, hypertext markup language (DOC, DOCX, PPT, PPTX, XLS, XLSX, PDF, RTF, HTML).

READ WITH YOUR EARSSit back and listen. It's that simple. iSpeech does all of the work for you. Now that your file is converted, it will auto-play. You can download it, podcast it or even embed it as an object on any webpage that supports html including: MySpace, Blogger, EBay, etc.

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