Thursday, July 29, 2010

PDF-XChange Viewer 2.054 免安裝中文版

news from Nelson, AZO

PDF-XChange Viewer 是一款多功能的 PDF 閱讀器,它完全免費,而且還可以為文件加上註解,支援 Windows 2000 以上的作業系統。

支援常見的翻譯軟體 (包含 Lingoes 靈格斯跟 StarDict 星際譯王),讓滑鼠指到哪就翻譯到哪
支援多分頁瀏覽,還可以像 IE7 的縮圖索引一樣,將開啟的文件產生縮圖於一頁,讓你方便點選。

程式啟動速度很快,PDF 檔載入速度很快,就算是大檔案也能很快載入。






下載連結→ [訊6]

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

KMPlayer 阿榮版

news from azo

KMPlayer–韓國製的影片播放軟體,最大特色就是把很多影片解碼工具通通包在它的程式資料夾裡!不會跟系統已裝的解碼工具相互衝突,還有,跟 MPlayer 一樣可以預覽 BT 未下載完的影片檔,也可以播放由 Youtube 這類網站抓下來的 FLV 影片檔,下載的影片幾乎用它都可以播放,如果沒有轉檔的需求,裝這個就夠了,不需再另外裝 Codec!

經測試在Windows 7 32-bit Ulitmate 可撥 rm. rmvb,不需額外安裝codec 下載連結 Xuite xun6

KMPlayer → F2 → 通用 → 通用 → 最下方的 "使用進階功能表"打勾

Friday, July 23, 2010

Intel(R) 82567LM Gigabit Network Connection

1.Go to Intel Download Center

2.Choose Ethernet Component Ethernet Controllers Intel® 82567 Gigabit Ethernet Controller

3.OS choose Windown 7

4.Download PROWin32.exe for Windows 7 32-bit

5.Unzip the file, PROWin32\PRO1000\Win32\NDIS62\readme.txt in this folder is Window 7 32-bit

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Windows 7 Bing Wallpaper

Windows 7 Theme

微軟這次推出了 Bing’s Best 日本壁紙系列,其中的 18 張壁紙精選自 Bing 日本首頁壁紙(1920×1200)。


news from 7club

Window 7 GodMod

news from brian

注意!這是Windows 7作業系統用的,千萬不要使用在Vista 64位元系統上,在部分情況下可能會造成電腦無法正常開機使用。

第1步 在桌面按右鍵新增一個新資料夾,然後把資料夾名稱改為以下內容:


第2步 改好資料夾名稱後圖示會自動變成「GodMode」,按兩下開啟這個「GodMode」視窗。

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Windows 7 桌面小工具-氣象

news from .NET菜鳥自救會

Q 在 Windows 7 中, 使用桌面小工具 氣象,出現您的地區尚未提供這項服務,該如何才能使用 ?

A 連結到 重新下載 氣象,並且安裝即可。

台灣地區表 (2010/3/13)

Taipei, TWN :台灣-台北
Pan-ch’iao, TWN :台灣-台北-板橋市
San-ch’ung, TWN :台灣-台北-三重市
Yung-ho, TWN :台灣-台北-永和市
Hsin-chuang, TWN :台灣-台北-新莊市
Hsin-tien, TWN :台灣-台北-新店市
Chilung, TWN :台灣-基隆
T’ao-yüan, TWN :台灣-桃園
Chung-li, TWN :台灣-桃園-中壢市
Hsin-chu, TWN :台灣-新竹
Chu-tung, TWN :台灣-新竹-竹東鎮
Chu-nan, TWN :台灣-苗栗-竹南鎮
T’aichung, TWN :台灣-台中
Chang-hua, TWN :台灣-彰化
Chiayi, TWN :台灣-嘉義
T’ainan, TWN :台灣-台南
Yung-k'ang, TWN :台灣-台南-永康市
Kaohsiung, TWN :台灣-高雄
Fêng-shan, TWN :台灣-高雄-鳳山市
P’ingtung, TWN :台灣-屏東
O-luan-pi, TWN :台灣-屏東-鵝鑾鼻
T’ai-tung, TWN :台灣-台東
Ch’eng-kung-chen, TWN:台灣-台東-成功鎮
Pei-nan, TWN :台灣-台東-卑南鄉
Hua-lien, TWN :台灣-花蓮
Yü-li, TWN :台灣-花蓮-玉里鎮
Fu-li, TWN :台灣-花蓮-富里鄉
Kuang-fu, TWN :台灣-花蓮-光復鄉
Makung, TWN :台灣-澎湖-馬公市

Monday, July 19, 2010

加速你的 Windows 7 開機.啟動

1.『 Windows 鍵 』+ 『 R 鍵 』 或是你也可從開始功能表 → 所有程式 → 附屬應用程式 → 執行

2.接著我們就直接在視窗內鍵入 『 msconfig 』

3.直接選上方第二個 ( 開機 ) 的標籤,然後如圖所示,點選『 進階選項 』。

4.「 處理器數目 」, 這時我們先將他打勾,並從下拉式選單裡,依照你電腦實際的處理器核心數來選擇即可 ( 預設值為 1 ),這部分可讓CPU的每個核心,都可在開機時幫忙運算加速。


第一,在等候時間的部份,在經過測試之後的最佳秒數為 4 秒, 所以請大家將這個數值改為 4 或 5 秒皆可。

第二,我們要將 『 無 GUI 開機 』的選項勾選起來, 讓我們的開機速度能更加的快速。

6.下圖為 Windows 7 預設,有 GUI 的開機畫面

7.下圖就是我們設定後,無 GUI 的開機畫面 。( 就和 VISTA 的開機畫面一樣,無 LOGO,僅有下方讀取條 )。


1.『 Windows 鍵 』+ 『 R 鍵 』 或是你也可從開始功能表 → 所有程式 → 附屬應用程式 → 執行

2.接著我們就直接在視窗內鍵入 『 msconfig 』




Windows 7 如何將我的電腦釘選到工作列內

news from AsiLoop


請在桌面按下右鍵,點選新增 => 捷徑。


1、%SystemRoot%\explorer.exe shell:MyComputerFolder

2、%windir%\explorer.exe shell:MyComputerFolder

3、C:\Windows\explorer.exe /e,::{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}



將本來的圖示路徑 %windir%\explorer.exe 變更為 %SystemRoot%\system32\imageres.dll 按下 Enter,可以發現可變更的圖示類型變多了,選擇我的電腦圖示按下確定。



Win7 使否已啟動 ?

news from Me.Blog

要知道系統是否已獲得「授權」,可按『 Windows 鍵 』+ 『 R 鍵 』再輸入三組指令

slmgr.vbs -dli
slmgr.vbs -dlv
slmgr.vbs -xpr

如名稱由「RETAIL」改為「OEM」,以及「License Status」一欄顯示為「Licensed」,或者出現「activated」代表已經成功解除期限

7-Zip 9.15 Beta

The main features of 7-Zip

High compression ratio in new 7z format with LZMA compression

Supported formats:
Packing / unpacking: 7z, ZIP, GZIP, BZIP2 and TAR
Unpacking only: ARJ, CAB, CHM, CPIO, DEB, DMG, HFS, ISO, LZH, LZMA, MSI,

For ZIP and GZIP formats, 7-Zip provides a compression ratio that is 2-10 % better than the ratio provided by PKZip and WinZip
Strong AES-256 encryption in 7z and ZIP formats
Self-extracting capability for 7z format
Integration with Windows Shell
Powerful File Manager
Powerful command line version
Plugin for FAR Manager
Localizations for 74 languages

7-Zip 使用教學
7-Zip Portable 4.65 Rev 2 免安裝中文版

news from azo

Opera 10.60 正式中文版 免安裝

news from 阿福

【軟體名稱】OPEEA Opera 10.60





【檔案大小】9.14 MB


Opera 10.6支援許多HTML 5功能,包括透過瀏覽器就能定位使用者位置的Geolocation,以及採用開放標準的WebM影音格式。 挪威瀏覽器業者Opera周三(6/16)釋出Opera 10.6測試版,宣稱JavaScript執行速度比10.5快上50%,並改善使用介面以及嵌入更多HTML功能。 Opera一向號稱是市面上最快的瀏覽器,宣稱在彈指間就能開啟新標籤,透過該公司的Opera Turbo技術即使在擁塞的網路上都能較快下載網頁。 應用程式快取(Appcache)功能則可讓使用者在瀏覽器中使用諸如文字編輯、圖片編輯或試算表等應用程式,並支援離線使用;Web Workers為一多執行緒的解決方案,開發人員可將需要大量運算的程式交由Web Workers在背景執行,以避免拖慢使用者的瀏覽速度。另外該版本也新增了搜尋建議功能。




Opera 免安裝參考網站:

Sunday, July 18, 2010

x200s 7469RM5 Win7 config

Drivers and software - ThinkPad X200, X200s, X200 Tablet

01 Intel Matrix Storage Manager
02 Intel Chipset Support for Windows 7
03 Intel 4500MHD
04 Audio (Win7也有內建)
05 Hotkey utility
06 Power Management Driver
07 Power management
08 ThinkPad 11abg, abgn, bg, bgn Wireless LAN adapter (Win7也有內建)
09 Bluetooth
10 Monitor
11 Modem
12 Integrated Camera
13 ThinkVantage Communications Utility:It enables you to change all settings for the integrated camera, MIC and audio functions Fn+F6

14 Mouse_TrackPoint

15 Intel AMT Management Engine Interface

Windows 7 and ThinkVantage Technologies

news from lenovoblogs

Tools Which Will Continue in Windows 7

Access Connections – There is no question that Win 7 has dramatically improved connectivity. In fact, since I’ve been running Win 7 as my primary production operating system for over two months now, I have not used Access Connections at all. Has it outlived its usefulness? That is possibly true if you’re an individual user, but if you’re a corporate user, you’ll still find a lot to like. First, it allows a consistent interface across all versions of Windows. If you’re like many, you won’t be a 100% Win 7 shop for 2 – 3 years. Having one consistent interface eases support issues. Even if you do the oft cited, but seldom used, “big bang” upgrade, Access Connections still has much better centralized manageability and “push” capabilities than Windows. Quite simply, it controls more of the things that corporate IT needs like firewall enablement settings, VPN integration, and provides more connectivity information in a central location. Plus, security researchers have panned Windows 7’s “promiscuous” wireless mode. It will happily automatically connect to multiple networks. This is a major security risk. Access Connections can enforce only one connection at a time.
Rescue and Recovery – I’ve played with the new Win 7 recovery program, and it is much improved. You can backup a complete image of your computer to a set of CDs/DVDs or to a second hard drive. That is also its biggest weakness. Windows will not let you put your backup in your primary partition (i.e. your c:\ drive). This alone makes this an untenable tool for the corporate world. Even if Windows 7 won’t boot, you can boot into WinPE to launch your recovery — no Windows CDs needed. On top of this functionality, Rescue and Recovery offers far more granular control like enabling security for encrypted backups, choosing files to exclude from backups (e.g. only keeping the most recent copy of your email file), centralized control of settings, and the ability to recover, but keep your most recent personality settings.
Power Manager – Win 7 offers much better and comprehensive control than ever before to save power. No matter how good it gets, though, Windows biggest problem is that it has to be generic enough to work on all vendors’ systems. Applications like Lenovo’s Power Manager are written to work specifically with Lenovo hardware at the hardware level. We can do a better job because we know how to manage our hardware best. Power Manager also gives some additional features like Battery Stretch, support for switchable graphics, and easy-to-use slider control for changing power settings. From an IT perspective, it allows control by tools other than SMS, like LANDesk and allows these teams to deploy power agenda profiles. Windows does not yet allow this.
System Update – Windows is good at updating itself and other Microsoft applications. It is not as good at distributing vendor hardware-specific things like BIOS updates. There is a need for both Windows Update and System Update in a post Win 7 world. It also has a version for IT professionals, Update Retriever, which allows IT teams to host and push out their own updates to their users. Judging from marketing reaction when we tried to remove it earlier this year, I think most of you agree that this is a valuable tool.
Password Manager – I LOVE this tool. I NEED this tool. There’s no overlap with Windows functionality, and thus it will continue. From a security perspective, Microsoft stores Internet Explorer passwords in a known, less than secure location.
Lenovo System Toolbox (a.k.a PC Doctor) – I wrote about Lenovo System Toolbox not long ago. If you are not familiar with this tool, it is a comprehensive hardware and software systems diagnostic toolset. Other than ScanDisk and some improved performance monitoring, there is not a whole lot of overlap between this tool and Windows 7. It also continues.
System Migration Assistant and ImageUltra Builder – These also continue under Win 7, but I have not played with their new versions yet, so I do not have a whole lot of detail to share.
Hardware Password Manager – Windows still does not have a solution for centrally managing all types of hard disk drive passwords. No other vendor does yet either.

Discontinued Tools – Before anyone panics, know that the utilities listed below will continue to exist and be supported under Vista and XP. We simply are not porting them to work in Windows 7.

Presentation Director – This is probably the most controversial of the tools we are not porting over to work on Windows 7. The reason is that Windows has much improved external projector/display capabilities and configures many things automatically. There are a few features that we wish Microsoft would have incorporated from our tool, but they aren’t enough to justify the development expense of continuing to update this tool.
GPS application and Camera Center – These tools being discontinued is a good thing. If you have a GPS or camera on earlier versions of Windows, only one application can use that device at a time. Windows 7 provides a common API to allow “sensors” like the Active Protection System and GPS chips to be shared among all Windows programs. You may not need this feature today, but you will in the future.
Productivity Center – This was always more of a business level tool. Between our improved Lenovo System Toolbox and improved Windows 7 help, most of the function is duplicated and we decided that we could invest the development resources in better places.
EasyEject – I know there are devoted followers of this tool. Personally, I’ve never found it to be of any use. If you don’t know what it is, EasyEject allows you to tell your system one time that you are going to disconnect all of your external peripherals, as when you are going to undock your system. Without this tool, you need to find the Windows System Tray icon and manually stop each device one by one. This made more sense in the serial/parallel days, but most modern devices don’t care if you yank the cord.
Screen Magnifier – Most graphics drivers do this anyway these days. It’s duplicate functionality.
Keyboard Mapper – This is likely to be another controversial one, mainly because there is a significant minority that does not like the placement of our CTRL and Fn keys. These people use this utility to switch them around in software. Regardless of where you stand on the CTRL/Fn issue, remember that there are just as many people who like the status quo. If we were to change, all we would do is swap one unhappy group of people for another. Plus, our Yamato team is considering allowing these keys to be swapped in BIOS.
Future Tools

I cannot tell you anything about these yet, but we’re not just cutting development resources. We are redeploying them to introduce a few new ThinkVantage tools as well. One in particular is nothing short of “wow.” It demos well and once you’ve tried it, you’re likely to love it.

I hope this gives some clarity. If I left your favorite tool out, let me know in the comments and I’ll try and get you an answer.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Q-Dir - 好用的檔案管理工具

news from Nelson

Q-Dir 有以下這些我覺得很棒的優點:

支援 Unicode。
一點都不複雜。沒有什麼批次更名、FTP 傳輸、解壓縮、加解密之類的功能。

Win7 關閉系統保護

news from nightcat


Windows 7 顛覆傳統

news from Mobile01

Windows 7 顛覆傳統:

Win7 顛覆了以往新出的作業系統一定比舊版更耗資源、速度更慢的傳統印象。
以俗稱 Superbar 的全新工作列 (New Taskbar) 取代從 Win95 時代起用了十幾年的傳統工作列。
支援 Multi-Touch 多點觸控螢幕代替傳統滑鼠。

底下幾點給準備安裝 Win7 的人建議:
1. 不建議在沒有支援 Aero 的顯示晶片上安裝,
  因為不支援 Aero 所以 Superbar 的 Peek 視窗預覽..等新功能無法體現,
  現在很多整合晶片也都能順暢運行 Aero,如不清楚有無支援請去製造商官網查..
  目前有的虛擬機已支援 Aero,但顯示晶片等級門檻比用實機執行更高,太差是不行的,
  另一種就是 Host 主平台要有 Aero (例如 Vista/Win7) 才能在虛擬機打開 Aero

2. 不要在等級很舊的機器上安裝,然後抱怨 Win7 很慢很爛,須知道舊機器大多是針對 XP 設計的,
  例如拿五六年前的機器或等級很低的 CPU 配上少到可憐的 RAM 來安裝,
  就算沒經歷過 486 dx66 配 6MB RAM 能跑 Win95,和 Pentium133 能跑 Win98 的時代,
  也別浪費時間拿手邊的舊機器來計較下一代的作業系統吧,它本來就應該用 XP

和 Vista 一樣,系統主程式全部被壓縮在一個檔名為 install.wim 微軟自創格式的映像檔裡,
安裝過程其實只是還原這個映像到你指定的磁碟分割區裡 (類似知名的 Ghost 系統備份軟體),
然後分析你的機器幫你裝驅動等,如果是從 Vista 升級會多加一個設定檔轉移的動作..

就直接安裝在未分區未格式化的硬碟話,它會幫你建立一個 100MB 的隱藏分割區(你在檔案總管看不到),
這個隱藏區用來放置開機檔案和選單(用於 BitLocker 加密主系統分區的折衷方式,因為開機元件不能被加密),
請不要用 Partition Magic 8..等這些非常舊版的磁碟分割軟體去查看這個硬碟和分區,
因為 Partition Magic 會跟你報告磁碟碟區分割錯誤,然後問要不要修復(軟體太舊造成誤判,請用別的新軟體),
那本來就是 Win7 預設配置,它完全沒有任何的問題和錯誤,記得別用上述軟體去操作就好, 


個人覺得 Build 6801 那個黑底銀色滾動進度條的開機畫面比這個好看,
在開機速度方面,Win7 在AMD雙核2.1GHz開機速度比 XP/Vista 還要快,
這情況在 XP/Vista 上連想都不要想了,在 XP/Vista 上看到桌面就算馬上執行操作的話,
這個25秒開機時間包含大概花掉開機時秀出BIOS畫面的2秒時間 (BIOS微調過,關閉用不到的選項)
那麼這就是自己的硬體和BIOS設置的問題了,可不要因此認為 Win7 開機速度快不起來


Superbar 新工作列:
看圖其實看不出個所以然,不少人說乍看之下以為是 MacOSX Dock,
其實根本不一樣,Superbar 功能上和實用度已完全超越 Dock,對工作上效率上有很大的提升,
不過 MacOSX 仍然是比較美觀酷炫得多,這點無庸置疑..雖然 Win7 很多地方變得好看很多,
但是整體離 MacOSX 的美觀酷炫還是有一段差距,畢竟介面美化一直都不是 Windows 的強項

有人說 Superbar 完全在抄 Dock,這是不負責任的說法,Superbar 用大圖示是為了方便觸控螢幕操作..
講到 Dock 的源起就要追朔到 NextStep 系統的快捷工具列,在當時早期的很多系統都有類似組件,
後來 Win95 引進了 Taskbar 工作列的概念,用來讓使用者知道自己開什麼程式,方便在程式之間切換,
但早期 Mac 一直沒有工作列的概念,後來雖引進 Win95 工作列概念,讓 Dock 有快捷工具列和工作列功能,
還可用cmd-tab和cmd+組合操作,個人仍覺得 Dock 不好用,但是整體效果很漂亮

Superbar 這個新的工作列是把傳統的工作列 + 快速啟動的快捷工具列做一個整合,
Superbar 是真的做到了功能和外觀上完善結合,把 Aero 功能用在正確的地方,
你可以自由將任何可執行的程式釘 (Pin) 在工作列上,成為快速啟動圖示


Superbar 的視窗預覽效果:
但是已經打開的程式的工作列圖示,你在上面按一下會變成放大或縮小的功能 (和傳統工作列一樣),
1. 直接在圖示上按滑鼠的滾輪鍵 (中鍵),這方式最快
2. 用 Shift + WinKey + 1 (或 + N) 組合鍵,數字是對應工作列圖示由左到右順序
3. 按住 Shift 不放,再按一下工作列圖示
4. 在工作列圖示上按右鍵叫出 JumpList 跳躍清單來開啟

把箭頭停留在視窗預覽上任何一個小視窗上,其他的程式馬上會變成透明狀,這功能叫 Areo Peek,
你會發現 Flip 3D 捷徑被拿掉了,雖然功能還在 (WinKey + Tab),但有更強的 Areo Peek 後幾乎用不到了,
另有 Aero Shake 托住視窗左右(或上下)晃動後其它的視窗會被最小化,用 Aero Snap 可以並排與最大化..等,

Superbar 和 Aero 全新功能:

Areo Peek:

Aero Shake:

JumpList 跳躍清單:

最近開啟過的東西 (Recent),會被紀錄列出在開始功能表中關聯程式的 JumpList 跳躍清單裡,更方便查找
也可直接在工作列叫出 JumpList 跳躍清單,在圖示上按滑鼠右鍵 (或按住滑鼠左鍵把圖示向上拖曳)
你可把常比較常用的項目釘 (Pin) 在 JumpList 跳躍清單上固定,就不會被後來的新項目給刷掉,
比如把某網站釘在 IE 的 JumpList,把某首歌或影片釘在 WMP 的 JumpList 跳躍清單上固定..

使用觸控方式操作 JumpList 跳躍清單,只要用手指按住圖示向上拖曳,就可拖出 JumpList 跳躍清單

傳統模式開始功能表這次被徹底刪了 (Vista 還能切換成傳統模式)
關機按鈕不再是 Vista 那兩個令人費解的圖案了,主按鈕可以自行設定為最常用的選項,

或按住 WinKey + Space 時全部視窗會變透明

Alt + Tab 視窗切換加入 Aero Peek 效果,停留在選取的視窗時,其它視窗會全部變透明



Libraries 重要的新功能:
這個 Libraries (媒體櫃) 的資料庫功能讓你管理檔案更方便,用它管理後找東西就容易了,
使用非常簡單,任意選取一個目標資料夾,按工具列 Include in Library 按鈕將它包含到指定的 Library 內,
這樣媒體櫃資料庫就建成了,覺得預設的 Library 四大分類不夠細可自己追加..
Libraries 是虛擬文件夾,非真實資料夾,資料是記錄在附檔名為 .library-ms 的 XML 格式文件中,
這些文件被保存在 X:\Users\{Name}\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Libraries\ 之下..
妥善運用 Superbar + Libraries 將可改變你的使用習慣,讓桌面乾乾淨淨,不用放一堆常用資料/捷徑

Homegroup 重要的新功能:

Homegroup (家庭群組) 新的網路共用功能,讓設定網路共用的步驟更簡單方便,可直接把 Libraries 設為共用
平常也可任意選取一個資料夾,按工具列 Share with (共用對象) 按鈕將它設為共用

操作介面重新設計編排,在 X:\%SystemRoot%\Globalization\MCT\ 下有幾個隱藏的主題

定時循環或隨機自動換桌布、桌面上叫出右鍵選單可手動切換下一張 (早就應該要有的東西)


WinKey + P 選擇顯示/投影模式

系統列圖示,大部分預設是被隱藏,按一下小箭頭可查看有哪些程式在執行 (覺得麻煩可設為全部顯示)
這在 XP/Vista 的隱藏方式是向右縮進
跟 Superbar 一樣,圖示可自由拖曳移動改變位置,可自由拖曳進出隱藏欄


Action Center:
Action Center (行動作業中心) 取代了 XP/Vista 的安全中心

UAC 改良:
UAC (使用者帳戶控制) 可自訂分級了,怕中病毒或惡意程式就不要設到最低,
不過即使 UAC 設到最低,很多重要的系統檔案和目錄也都被設立權限以防止使用者誤操作..
眾所皆知因為 XP 權限設計不周密,等於為病毒和惡意程式大開門戶,使 XP 成為病毒和惡意程式的最大溫床..
UAC 旨在通過使用有限的權限來限制病毒和惡意程式的大規模攻擊,這也是其它作業系統常用的做法,
像是 Unix-like/Linux 用過的人都知道權限設計非常嚴謹,很多地方改變設定還需要輸入密碼,

但一些功能的選項位置被重新編排過了,直接從 XP 跳過來的人可能要適應一下,不過問題不大

Windows Search 4.0 功能強化,加速搜尋,現在符合的關鍵字會加亮顯示,也能記錄關鍵字歷史了,
在控制台中可以修改Indexing Options(索引選項)的細部設定

有些人抱怨全新安裝的 Vista/Win7 開機後一直頻繁讀寫硬碟,這最主要是由兩個服務造成的,
一個是 Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service (網路共用 WMP 媒體櫃),
另一個 Windows Search 搜尋索引服務(在背景中製作各種檔案的索引和快取來加快搜尋速度),
你如果用不到共用 WMP 媒體櫃或不在乎搜尋功能,可以執行 services.msc 找到這兩個服務將它們停用,
(停用 Windows Search 會導致某些功能失效,例如媒體櫃的排序和 IE 的 JumpList 最近網站記錄..等),
但其實也只有剛安裝好的 Vista/Win7 系統的 Windows Search 服務才會大量製作索引而導致頻繁讀寫硬碟,


支援新的 WDDM 1.1 (Windows 顯示驅動模型) 和 NDIS 6.2 (網路驅動介面規格)
這在 Vista 分別是 1.0 和 6.0

讀寫 VHD 虛擬硬碟:
.vhd 格式是 Virtual PC 虛擬機器使用的虛擬硬碟,Win7 可以直接創建和掛載讀寫,
原有的 Virtual PC 虛擬硬碟 .vhd 檔拿到 Win7 可直接掛載讀取 .vhd 裡面的資料,
不必事先安裝 Virtual PC 應該可以方便到一些用戶

Windows XP Mode:
靠著 Virtual PC 虛擬機器的技術,加上 Windows XP Mode 讓你直接在 Win7 下使用 XP 程式,
沒什麼好介紹的,就是一台虛擬機器罷了 (對某些人來說也許 VMware、VirtualBox 做得更棒)..

更強大的備份與還原 (Backup and Restore):
支援類似 GHOST 備份整顆硬碟,這個知名備份軟體大家應該都知道吧,
Windows Recovery Environment 2.0 (WinRE) 也做得到,
本來 Vista 就有這功能了,Win7 讓它更完善,備份不用直接燒在DVD了,
備份出來的 .wim 硬碟映像可放在實體硬碟裡,啟動時按 F8 或放入原版光碟,隨時可還原系統

Devices and Printers 新功能:
Devices and Printers (裝置和印表機) 這個視窗裡面顯示本機電腦上接連的各種外接裝置,

測試第一次連接 Nokia 手機後,它自己上網下載驅動和軟體安裝,過程全自動

Windows Media Player 12:
著重在強化它的 Library (媒體櫃) 的資料庫功能去管理你的媒體 (照片、音樂、影片),
系統內建 AC3, AAC, MPEG-4 ASP (divx/xvid), MPEG-AVC (H.264)..等解碼器 (Decoder) 
大概是被一些人煩夠了或罵怕了吧,當然一些專有版權格式 (rmvb) 要內建解碼器就不用想了

Windows Media Center 媒體中心:

只有強大和驚艷可以形容了,介面重新設計的更美觀,新的媒體中心會讓你想用在你的 HTPC 上的,
加入到 libary 媒體櫃的專輯會自動將圖片當背景,播放音樂時有專輯圖片轉換效果,背景專輯圖片自動循環..
這是專為遙控器操作所設計的軟體,要是能搭配遙控器使用就更完美了 (或用鍵盤或多點觸控螢幕)
如果你從未用過 Windows Media Center 媒體中心,你可能需要時間摸索它的使用方式..
有安裝 VobSub 軟體時,可正確顯示外掛字幕

DirectX 11:
當然若你在玩 DirectX (無論舊版或最新版) 的遊戲發現缺少一些元件無法執行,
還是得裝DirectX End-User Runtime不定期發佈的最新版本

強大的 Windows PowerShell V2:

微軟的 shell(外殼) 程式,命令行介面,用來彌補功能陽春的 Command Prompt 命令行程式,
挑戰 Unix-like/Linux 強大的shell (用過Unix應該都知道各式各樣shell的強悍);
但是有了 PowerShell 這類程式就不一樣了,它支援巨集指令和腳本來幫你完成自動化的管理和控制,

Troubleshoot 疑難排解:

Internet Explorer 8:
舊版作業系統也能安裝,有關 IE8 的介紹文已非常多,有興趣自己去查看
新版功能完備,別人有的它都有了,只是 Adobe Flash Player 10 有時會崩潰

Multi-Touch 多點觸控:

Tablet PC 輸入面板為了方便觸控,Touch Keyboard (觸控鍵盤) 和 Writing Pad (書寫板) 改良,可調介面大小


辨識能力大幅提升 (需要一隻麥克風),要辨識中文語音必是切換到中文介面
其它語言也是一樣,必須是相同語言的介面 (當地化的辨識軟體被包含在當地語言包裡面)

Windows 原生指紋和生物辨識支援,可讓指紋管理應用有比較標準的方式跟 Win7 的指紋辨識器相容。

GPS 衛星定位、Wi-Fi 網路定位、3G 網路定位、加速感應器、環境光源感應、觸控板、加速器等,

Credential Manager (認證管理員),作業系統會幫你保存一些網站、MSN..等的帳號密碼方便下次登錄,
帳號密碼太多怕忘記還可以備份保存庫(Back up vault),以後隨時可以還原保存庫(Restore vault)

BitLocker / BitLocker To Go 磁碟機加密:
改良的 BitLocker 磁碟機加密、新增 BitLocker To Go 移動儲存設備加密,
全磁區加密保護你的膝上型電腦和 USB 磁碟機遺失或遭竊時資料不外洩,

內建 Movie Maker 被拿掉了,只留下 DVD Maker;內建 Photo Gallery 拿掉了,只留下看圖功能;
Windows Mail 和 Windows Calendar 也拿掉了,這些微軟打算用Windows Live套裝軟體取代,


2GB的記憶體進桌面初刻(Aero 全開)消耗500MB上下 (在 Vista 是700MB以上,XP 沒有 Aero 就不比了)
系統會將這些占用的記憶體讓出來給它們使用..有用過 Vista 的人都在說記憶體管理比起 XP 好太多,
雖然 NT 作業系統本來記憶體管理就很好,但不少人用 XP 仍會有開機使用越久,記憶體消耗越多,
在消耗情況越來越多時,往往需要重開機才能解決,但是 Vista 不會有這種情況發生,
Vista 一夜未關機的操作反而比剛開機時更順暢,Win7 繼承了這種特性而且更優,
這歸功於 NT 6.X 能夠有效的把軟體所占用的記憶體在你關閉軟體後歸還給系統控管..

Win7 早在07年4月就釋出了M1 (間隔 Vista 正式發行沒多久,想當然開發日期一定比釋出日期早很多),
假設微軟從2006年底的Vista RTM就接著開始開發,直到2009年底Win7 RTM,算算也要花掉大約三年時間,

一些人說Win7 (NT 6.1)和Vista (NT 6.0)根本是同一內核拿來改改而已,這說法沒有對或錯而是無聊了,
比如網路上有傳言說Win7系統 "只不過是Vista + 新佈景主題而已"..
或許有些人想用這種說法去否定 Win7,製造成和 Vista 一樣爛的印象(雖然Vista真的不差,但名聲很差)
其實東西實用比較重要,不好用的話別說版本號是 7.0,就算版本號是 100.0 也沒有用吧..
要說也能說 NT4, Win2000, XP, Vista, Win7 都是同一種核心(本來就都是 NT 核心),只是版本號不一樣..
同內核的系統發展本就是不斷演變來的,NT 內核當然也是,比如 XP (NT 5.1) 也是從 NT 5.0 演變來的,
而 NT 5.0 (Win2000) 從 NT4 演變,NT 6.1 當然也不例外,好的東西留下,不好的去除,加入更好的;
從 XP 測試版一路過來的人都知道早期的 XP 開發版和 Win2000 幾乎一樣,後來才演變成現在的 XP,
Vista 也是,早期 Vista 開發版和 XP 也是幾乎一樣,也是後來才慢慢演進成現在的 Vista..
這是很正常的演進,Win7 當然保有很多前一版做得不錯的東西(例如花五年時間開發出來的毛玻璃效果)

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Windows 7 Clean Installation - ThinkPad

news from Lenovo

The following instructions explain how to install Microsoft Windows 7 on a computer with a blank hard drive or a hard drive that will be completely wiped clean during the installation process. (All existing files will be deleted.) Upgrading a computer running Microsoft Windows XP operating system to Windows 7 is an example when a "clean install" such as in this document is recommended.
Note: Computers currently running Microsoft Vista may not require a "clean install" which may allow some of your personal files and applications to remain on the hard drive unaffected. Alternative instructions for systems running Vista and not requiring a "clean install" can be found at here.

Affected configurations
Any of the following ThinkPad systems running Windows XP upgrading to Windows 7 using clean install:
  • L410 and L510
  • R60, R60e, R60i, R61, R61e, R61i
  • R400, R500
  • SL300, SL400, SL400c, SL500 SL500c, SL410, SL510
  • T60, T60p, T61, T61p
  • T400, T400s, T500
  • W500, W700, W700ds
  • X60, X60s, X60 Tablet, X61, X61s, X61 Tablet
  • X200, X200s, X200 Tablet, X300, X301
Windows 7 Clean install
This document will function as the detailed instructions for standalone installs of Windows 7 Lenovo ThinkPad's. This document has the following sections:
Operating system install
Device Driver install
Lenovo Application and Utility install

Operating system install
  1. Boot the Windows 7 Full install disk (using F12 to select the optical drive as first bootable device if needed).
  2. Click Next to Continue booting.
  3. Click Install Now on the "Install Windows" screen.
  4. In the "License Terms" window, carefully read the license terms. These license terms are very important for Windows 7. Contact Microsoft to clarify any questions or issues. If you agree, click I accept the license terms and then click Next to continue. Note: You must agree to the license terms to install Windows 7.
  5. Click Custom install of Windows 7.
  6. Click drive options to format / partition the hard disk drive. Windows 7 will add a small 100 meg or so partition for bitlocker.
  7. Click Next to begin file copy.
  8. System will reboot itself after file copy / extraction.
  9. Enter desired user ID and machine name, click next to continue.
  10. Create a windows password if desired, this step is optional. Windows will continue to install and run without a password.
  11. "Type your Windows product key for" windows opens. Enter your 25-character Windows 7 product key, which is located on the Windows 7 installation disk holder or a Windows 7 installation disc package. You can keep the Automatically activate Windows when I'm online option selected, otherwise you will be prompted to activate Windows regularly for the next 30 days, and the activation is mandatory. Click Next to continue.
  12. In the "Help protect your computer and improve Windows automatically" window, select Use recommended settings to continue.
  13. Select your time zone and set your current date and time. Then, click Next.
  14. If the "Join a wireless network" window opens, select a wireless network at your desire. Click Next if you want to use the wireless network, otherwise click Skip to continue. Skip this step if ThinkVantage Access Connections is to be installed.
  15. Windows 7 will be launched.
At this point there are two methods for Device driver and Application installs. The simplest is to use ThinkVantage System Update 4.0 to download and automatically install all the required device drivers and applications. This method also ensures that device driver and application dependencies and co-requisites' are installed correctly.
Click here to download the ThinkVantage System Update 4.0.
The second method is the manual install of each device driver and application individually. This method is time consuming but does allow for some control over application install paths.
For existing Windows 7 preloads there exists a "C:\SWTOOLS" folder that contains the original device drivers and apps for a re-install. For those users who purchase a full retail copy of Windows 7 this folder is not available and thus all device drivers and applications must be downloaded individually.
Please follow the links below for the respective machines to obtain all required device drivers.
Click here to download T400 / T400s Windows 7 drivers.
Click here to download T500 / W500 Windows 7 drivers.
Click here to download W700 / W700ds Windows 7 drivers.
Click here to download X200 Windows 7 drivers.
Click here to download X200s / X200 Tablet Windows 7 drivers.
Download each of the required / desired drivers and extract them to the "C:\drivers" folder. This is the default file extraction path if no changes are done. The following instructions presume the default extraction path is used. There other folders within the "C:\drivers" folder. Make note of each location as each device driver is downloaded and extracted. Some drivers have an option to install each device driver as the file extraction is complete. This method of install is acceptable. Since this option is checked by default, should you choose to install the device driver later, the box should be unchecked prior to clicking Finish.
Note: Required Lenovo ThinkPad Device Drivers and OSFixes
The use of only device drivers and fixes supplied by Lenovo should be employed during the install of Windows 7. The use of 3rd party drivers is not supported by Lenovo and issues arriving from the use of non-Lenovo supplied drivers will be referred back to the vendor.
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Device Driver install
The device driver install sequence is depenant on the System Interface Driver install being the first to be installed. This driver has common DLL's that other Lenovo utilities use. After the SMIF driver, with the exception of Access Connections, the remaining device driver install is user's choice.
Access Connections needs the Power Manager Driver installed first, followed by Hotkey Utility, Wireless NIC driver, and then Access Conections itself.
The bios for each system being installed should be upgraded to the most current for each machine type. There are bios updates for Windows 7 that will be needed. The machine specific bios can be found on the Lenovo support website.
SMIF (System Interface Driver)
Run setup and reboot.
IMSM (Intel Matrix Storage Manager)
IMSM driver needs to be installed via INF install via device manager, running install.cmd from "\prepare" folder will result in a file copy error.
4-in-1 Card reader
Setup from "4in1" folder
  • Base system device Ricoh Memory Stick controller
  • Base system device Ricoh SD/MMC host controller
  • Base system device Ricoh XD- picture card controller
the above 3 unknown devices in device manager will be resolved by the Ricoh cardreader drivers.
Setup from "audioc7" folder.
Will ask to upgrade over Win7 native driver.
Win7 native driver is High Definition Audio Device.
Lenovo audio driver is Conexant 20561 SmartAudio HD.
Does not reboot.
Hotkeys or OnScreen Display
Setup from "hotkey" folder.
Setup from "hprotect" folder.
Power Manager Driver
Setup from "IBMPM" or "PMDriver" folder.
Click "No" to restart my computer then.
Install Power Manager utility.
Setup from "pwrmgrv" folder.
MS Visual C++ 2005 will be installed.
ATI video
Run setup from "video" folder.
Click Express Install if ATI or switchable graphics.
LCD may blank out or flicker during video driver install.
Click Finish.
Reboot may not be required.
Intel Video
Run setup from the "video" folder.
Monitor ICM file
Open device manager and update the Generic PNP monitor listed, by right click and update device driver.
Point installer to "monitor" folder, click close to complete install.
At this point verify switchable graphics works via right click, Lenovo Battery icon in "systray" and select switchable graphics.
Energy Savings is Integrated Intel video.
High Performance is Discrete ATI video.
Wireless driver and Access connections
IproDFx.exe from "\drivers\wlanint\win7\s32" or "s64" depending on OS.
Click This program installed correctly box if presented.
Then click SETUP from "conwiz" folder to install Access Connections.
Setup from "MODEMOM" folder.
Pick upgrade to install lenovo driver from win 7 native driver.
Native driver is HDA CX11270 soft modem.
Modem driver install will launch NetWaiting app install, then digital line detect applet install.
Setup from "UNAV" folder, Accept license agreement.
Click restart later, then run setup from "UNAVUtil" folder.
Then click Yes to reboot.
Turbo Memory
Some models may or may not have a turbo memory module.
To verify, open "device manager" and check for a unknown device listed as "PCI Memory Controller".
If such a device is listed, then install the Turbo Memory driver via setup from "turbomem" folder.
You may see a hardware device install popup from systray.
Reboot is required.
If Intel's Adaptive Management Technology is implemented in an
enterprise enviroment, then the AMT drivers can be installed via
setup from the "AMT\MEI" folder.
If AMT is not employed, AMT can be disabled via Bios.
The drivers from the AMT setup will resolve the unknown devices within "device mananger", the PCI Simple Communications Controller.
FingerPrint Reader (FPR)
Install the Fingerprint reader via setup32-win7 or setup64-win7 from the "\fpra" folder.
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Lenovo Application and Utility install
Lenovo provides the necessary files and instructions to manually add Lenovo engineered fixes and updates in the osfixes folder within the swtools folder.
These individual updates / fixes are listed below. All of these updates are on a Lenovo Win 7 preload.
If the function of each fix or update is required / desired then follow the instructions give below with full instructions provided within the readme file of each respective update folder.
Enable Wake On LAN from Sleep for Energy Star V4.
Run "ctrlwol_inst" to enable, "ctrlwol_uninst" to disable.
Disable to load IMSS (Intel® Management and Security Status Application) in tasktray for Windows 7.
Run "DisIMSS.reg" to disable to load IMSS icon in the tasktray.
More detailed information can be found in the readme file for DisIMSS.
Fix for Issue of HDD with HDP Detection for Windows 7.
This package contains a fix for an issue that Password-protected secondary hard disc drive (HDD) is not detected in Computer after resume from sleep. To Install:
  • Open "Command Prompt" with administrator priviledged rights.
  • Type schtasks /create /xml C:\SWTOOLS\OSFIXES\DISKUPDT\DiskUpdate.xml /tn DiskUpdate
  • Reboot the computer.
  • Make sure that the task "DiskUpdate" is created in "Task Scheduler".
Registry Patch to arrange icons in Devices and Printers folder of Windows 7 and
This registry patch is to hide icons for internal devices that appear in "Devices and Printers" folder.
To install, right click on "DevORApply.inf" file and select install.
Registry Patch to disable Wake On WLAN feature in WiFi adapters to install:
  1. Open "command prompt" in administrator mode.
  2. Move to the folder that contains files in this package.
  3. Run "WOWLANdisable.vbs".
  4. Reboot the system.