Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Convert Text to Speech without Software

iSpeech has revolutionized text to speech with our free service. Now anyone can listen to any text content with minimal effort, no software installation and no technical expertise.

GIVE US TEXT TO CONVERTSimply cut and paste the text you wish to convert to speech into our text box and click convert text. Or, upload any supported document, website, blog, etc. and click convert file or the listen button. Supported file types and websites include: Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Adobe Acrobat, Rich Text File, Blogs, RSS news feeds, hypertext markup language (DOC, DOCX, PPT, PPTX, XLS, XLSX, PDF, RTF, HTML).

READ WITH YOUR EARSSit back and listen. It's that simple. iSpeech does all of the work for you. Now that your file is converted, it will auto-play. You can download it, podcast it or even embed it as an object on any webpage that supports html including: MySpace, Blogger, EBay, etc.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


news from softonic

ThumbWin adds a new desktop functionality to Windows XP, similar to Vista's ability to show thumbnails of all minimized windows. Once installed, this small tool will generate a thumbnail with the content of every window you download to the taskbar.

These thumbs are especially helpful when you minimize so many applications that you spend too much time and waste too many clicks on finding each one of them. Using ThumWin, you'll find the right app just by taking a look at the thumbnails.

ThumbWin's settings allow you to select the size of thumbnails along with other details. Also, they don't seem to hog on resources at all. Bear in mind, however, that they only work if you minimize windows one by one. That is, there will be no thumbnails if you use the "Show desktop" button.


OS requirements for ThumbWin:
OS: Win98/98SE/Me/2000

Apacer USB Flash Repair Tool

Apacer AH322 Handy Steno 2.0 Repair Tool

USB Flash Drives-Utility

Friday, October 02, 2009

WinXP gpedit.msc

news from shadow

2、在「開始--執行」中依次執行以下命令:「regsvr32 fde.dll」、「regsvr32 gpedit.dll」、「regsvr32 gptext.dll」、「regsvr32 wsecedit.dll」分別註冊這4個動態數據庫。

Thursday, October 01, 2009


news from


由於各家電信業者最近無不卯足火力爭取3.5G行動無線上網服務用戶, 目前每個月都有4萬多用戶使用該服務. 由於行動上網速度會受到電信業者基地台建設、該附近基地台使用用戶多寡、使用者上網位置收訊狀況、無線網卡的收訊品質及上網設備(電腦)本身效能影響, 雖然目前行動上網服務都標榜下載可達7.2Mbs, 但實測結果通常下載只有1Mbs, 上傳只有100K. 若純上網或下載一些資料, 沒有太大問題, 但玩線上遊戲恐怕就沒辦法.

申辦前一定要確知上網地點收訊狀況, 可參考

若已申辦, 要如何了解目前使用的3.5G行動無線上網的上網速度了? 方法很簡單就到YAHOO輸入網路測速四個字, 就會有很多家測速中心可以使用. 根據實際測試, 各家測試結果不太一致, 比較推薦中央研究院的網路測速中心(簡單快速及Speedtest ( 精美酷炫的操作界面. 以下針對最新改版的Speedtest做一說明:

Speedtest 網站提供不同於其他網站的網路測速服務,採用的是 flash 介面。可以讓你在全世界自由選擇測速點進行下載、上傳速度測試,並有詳細的測試結果與引用連結.

使用Speedtest只要輸入http://speedtest.net就可到達其首頁. 他會自動跑到台灣, 只要點到立體星星記號, 會出現TaipeiTaichung.

任選一個, 就可以開始網路測速了! 新的改版界面, 操作上比較簡便.

測速完, 就會顯示目前上網的下載(download)與上傳速度(upload), 左上角有預估下載資料的預估時間. 若想重測, 只要按右上角”test again”即可. 夠炫吧!

PS:上述測速結果非使用3.5G行動上網. 3.5G行動上網通常下載只有1Mbs, 上傳只有100K

若已經申辦但發現目前使用的3.5G無線上網速度太慢, 可以打去客服中心釐清問題所在(基地台問題/使用者太多). 若是上網位置過於靠室內導致收訊不佳問題, 可購買USB延長線, 將網卡拉到靠窗位置看會不會收訊比較好. 此外, 選購收訊品質較佳的3.5G網卡及將上網的電腦設備升級也會改善上網速度.